
iOS 13 Wishlist: New Phone Application

iOS 13 Wishlist: New Phone Application

We need to admit it. The default iOS 12 Phone Application is not great. Although its design is quite modern, we need to remember that it was designed several years ago. Hence, it needs at least a small refresh that will also bring new features.

Firstly, the default Phone Application is only available in Light Mode, although more and more iOS users would kill to receive a Dark Mode version of the default Apple apps or even better a Dark Mode Theme across the entire iOS. This might make you think that why should Apple launch a black themed Application while the iOS Dark Mode is still not available? Apple itself has proved that this is not necessary. The native calculator App, in example, is black.

Moreover, we definitely need smarter assistance while typing a phone number. Currently the Keypad tab seems like being disconnected from the OS while you type a number. We receive no predictions or suggestions unless we have already typed the entire number, which is the moment that we don't need this that much. Consequently, Apple can enable a “Suggested Contacts” feature while typing a phone number. This would help us be more productive and efficient with this app.

Furthermore, replace the Voicemail tab with the FaceTime tab. Voicemail is becoming more and more unecessary as people tend to use it less now. FaceTime integration, would make the OS feel less fragmented and we could FaceTime a friend without the need to change application. Apple, could add a sixth tab to have everything in one place or even make the tab section customisable.

What do you think?

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