
Celebrating 40 Years of Mac with these Commemorative WALLPAPERS

Celebrating 40 Years of Mac with these Commemorative WALLPAPERS


As we celebrate the remarkable 40-year journey of Apple's Macintosh, we're not just reflecting on groundbreaking technology, but also paying tribute to an icon that has significantly shaped the computing world. In honor of this milestone, we have crafted a special homage to the Mac, encapsulated in a collection of three wallpapers. The first two were created by 9TechEleven with the assistance of DALL-E, while the third is based on an Apple design posted on by Tim Cook himself. We captured a snapshot of it and recreated the design in high quality, also optimizing it as an iPhone wallpaper.

Explore some of the most important Mac milestones from this incredible 40-year journey here.

Download the Wallpapers

Don’t miss the chance to download the wallpapers uncompressed from our Telegram Channel (get them by clicking here). Alternatively, you can download the wallpapers in slightly lower resolution by clicking on each of the below images.

  • How-To Download from Mac or Computer

Just make sure to click on the wallpapers so that they expand in high resolution. Then you can right click and save from your computer or Mac.

  • How-To Download from iPhone / iPad

Long press on any image before it pops up and select “Download Linked File” from your iPhone/iPad.

Discover other iconic Apple wallpapers by clicking here.

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